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Business Park Sofia

Business Park Sofia (BPS) is the largest office park in Central and Eastern Europe offering class A facilities complemented by top-of-the-line amenities and modern working spaces. BPS assets have excellent environmental credentials and offer flexible and modern working areas across 14 standing office buildings (including one LEED Platinum certified) and one dedicated multi-level parking building and offer ideal business accommodation complimented by user-friendly amenities like cafés, shops, medical offices, bank offices, and other vital amenities for all of its 16,000+ employees and visitors entering BPS daily. The lush green areas with fountains and a large lake in the middle of the campus provide a healthy working environment for all employees and visitors entering the BPS daily. BPS covers 91,000 sqm with a total built-up area of approximately 240,100 sqm and combines a multifunctional business infrastructure with superb landscaping and good connections to major transportation city landmarks. BPS is easily accessible by public transport, including a metro line stop, or by car. BPS is home to approximately 75% of all Fortune 500 and multinational tenants doing business in the CEE region.

Contact details:

1 Business Park Sofia Str.
building 1a, floor 4
Mladost 4 district
1766 Sofia, Bulgaria

+359 2 489 9081


Membership Program


Some information about membership program and link in  "Learn more" button to the mentioned web post page.

a. Sofia 1618, 3, Sveta Ekaterina Str.

t. +359 876 294 020


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